Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Journal of Disaster, Humanities, and Social Sciences (MIJDHSS) - E-ISSN : XXXX-XXXX is a journal that publishes research results that make significant contributions to understanding and improvement in various sciences. In this field, disciplinary and interdisciplinary works related to scientific research in various fields are accepted, including education, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, philosophy, economics, linguistics, geography or political science, as well as in the fields of disasters and humanities.

The main aim of the Multidisciplinary Journal and the Interdisciplinary Journal of Disasters, Humanities and Social Sciences is to disseminate knowledge and produce in an interdisciplinary context, connecting various fields of social sciences such as anthropology, economics, political science, history, geography, sociology, philosophy, disasters and humanities with a focus in society, the study of social problems, and the guidelines needed to overcome them. As such, it contributes to qualitative and social transformation. This will help develop society based on a strong and internationally proven scientific foundation.


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